Insights from ICCWA First Business Forum

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce Western Australia (ICCWA) held its first event in the format of a business forum.

This event received a wave of positive responses from the government of both countries as well as the public. All 200 seats were sold out the week prior with people willing to be on the waitlist!

ICCWA had the honor to have His Excellency Kristiarto S. Legowo, the Indonesian Ambassador for Australia came from Canberra to open the forum, and speakers no less than Hon Bill Johnston MLA – Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations and Indonesian Minister for Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprise, Bpk. Teten Masduki (keynote speaker) through a live connection from Jakarta.

This business forum was also supported by the Indonesian Consulate General Perth and valuable to the audience with more distinguished guests attending from Australia and Indonesia’s business organizations, both in person and virtually. Among them were the panellists, sitting as the information resource for the audience.

The guest list shows that the forum was attracting professionals and business owners from diverse industries; energy, education, property, hospitality, migration service, fashion, health and beauty, merchandising, export import, finance, travel consultant, entertainment, and many more!

This event marked the beginning of ICCWA’s connection to the community. As part of its vision, the chamber will take a lead in shaping a powerful community vision. It will engage, providing opportunity and value by being the driving force behind business people, learning, networking and growing together.

Every guest automatically becomes ICCWA members and is the priority for the next event’s information. As part of its program, soon there will be a less formal event focusing on networking for the existing and prospective members.

Furthermore, in his speech, the President of ICCWA, Yudi Kodratjaya also explained ICCWA’s commitment for the next 2 years :

  • Facilitate Indonesia and its surrounding neighbours to showcase its products as part of Import/Export Tradeshow in WA (post COVID);
  • Build an Indonesian Business Directory to promote Indonesian businesses in WA and beyond;
  • Send regular communication to its members the opportunities and concrete action plan to create ecosystem for Indonesian business community;
  • Run series of 2 hour workshops to focus on small business help and training.

Meanwhile, the executive committee of ICCWA humbly thanked everyone who made the event successful. We realized that there must be room for improvement that needs to be addressed. As a new organization that is driven by the members, ICCWA will listen to any suggestions for its growth and welcome anyone or organisation that shares the same value to join as a member.

We will stay in touch through many means of communication. Meanwhile, you can check our website : and enjoy pictures from the event.

Thank you for coming and see you again soon!

See more pictures, click here.

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We are dedicated to being a strong and effective advocate for the local Indonesian Business Community in Western Australia. The Chamber will take a lead in shaping a powerful community vision – stimulating dialogue, building a balanced community with an equal emphasis on quality of life and quality of business.